# Comment 评论组件

该组件是基于 Waline 的一款评论组件,抹平了各框架的差异性,可如同 HTML 标签般直接使用。

详见 Waline详见 (opens new window)

# 基础用法(未使用沙箱)

    <div style="width:90%; margin: 0 auto; ">
        <wu-waline-comment path="/component-plus/Complex/Comment.html" serverurl="https://whl47bsd.api.lncldglobal.com" style="--waline-theme-color:red" dark="body.theme-dark" language="zh-CN" comment="true" pageview="true" emoji="['//unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/weibo', '//unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/bilibili']"></wu-waline-comment>
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# 基础用法(使用沙箱)

    <div style="width:90%; margin: 0 auto; ">
        <wu-waline-comment-shadow path="/component-plus/Complex/Comment.html" serverurl="https://whl47bsd.api.lncldglobal.com" style="--waline-theme-color:red" dark="body.theme-dark" language="zh-CN" comment="true" pageview="true" emoji="['//unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/weibo', '//unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/bilibili']"></wu-waline-comment-shadow>
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# Attributes

  • serverurl 属性与 Waline 的 serverURL 稍有区别,需注意;
  • 属性 key 不得采用驼峰命名;
  • 使用时属性传递必须使用字符类型(数组、对象均需要先序列化成字符);
class Props {
     * 当前 _文章页_ 路径,用于区分不同的 _文章页_ ,以保证正确读取该 _文章页_ 下的评论列表
     * 你可以将其设置为 `window.location.pathname`
     * Article path id. Used to distinguish different _article pages_ to ensure loading the correct comment list under the _article page_.
     * You can set it to `window.location.pathname`
     * @default window.location.pathname
    @Prop({default: window.location.pathname, type: String})
    public path: string;

     * 评论数统计
     * Comment number support
     * @default false
    @Prop({default: false, type: Boolean})
    public comment: boolean;

     * 页面访问量统计
     * Pageview number support
     * @default false
    @Prop({default: false, type: Boolean})
    public pageview: boolean;

     * Waline 的服务端地址, 此处属性与 Waline 的 serverURL 稍有区别,需注意
     * Waline server address url
    @Prop({default: '', type: String})
    public serverurl: string;

     * 评论者相关属性
     * `Meta` 可选值: `'nick'`, `'mail'`, `'link'`
     * Reviewer attributes.
     * Optional values for `Meta`: `'nick'`, `'mail'`, `'link'`
     * @default ['nick', 'mail', 'link']
    @Prop({default: ['nick', 'mail', 'link'], type: Array})
    public meta?: WalineMeta[];

     * 设置**必填项**,默认昵称为匿名
     * Set required fields, default anonymous with nickname
     * @default []
    @Prop({default: [], type: Array})
    public requiredMeta?: WalineMeta[];

     * 评论字数限制。填入单个数字时为最大字数限制
     * @more 设置为 `0` 时无限制
     * Comment word s limit. When a single number is filled in, it 's the maximum number of comment words.
     * @more No limit when set to `0`.
     * @default 0
    @Prop({default: 0, type: Number})
    public wordLimit?: number | [number, number];

     * 评论列表分页,每页条数
     * number of pages per page
     * @default 10
    @Prop({default: 10, type: Number})
    public pageSize?: number;

     * Waline 显示语言
     * 可选值:
     * - `'zh'`
     * - `'zh-cn'`
     * - `'zh-CN'`
     * - `'zh-tw'`
     * - `'zh-TW'`
     * - `'en'`
     * - `'en-US'`
     * - `'en-us'`
     * - `'jp'`
     * - `'jp-jp'`
     * - `'jp-JP'`
     * - `'pt-br'`
     * - `'pt-BR'`
     * - `'ru'`
     * - `'ru-ru'`
     * - `'ru-RU'`
     * Display language for waline
     * Optional value:
     * - `'zh'`
     * - `'zh-cn'`
     * - `'zh-CN'`
     * - `'zh-tw'`
     * - `'zh-TW'`
     * - `'en'`
     * - `'en-US'`
     * - `'en-us'`
     * - `'jp'`
     * - `'jp-jp'`
     * - `'jp-JP'`
     * - `'pt-br'`
     * - `'pt-BR'`
     * - `'ru'`
     * - `'ru-ru'`
     * - `'ru-RU'`
     * @default 'zh-CN'
    @Prop({default: 'zh-CN', type: String})
    public language?: string;

     * 自定义 waline 语言显示
     * @see [自定义语言](https://waline.js.org/client/i18n.html)
     * Custom display language in waline
     * @see [I18n](https://waline.js.org/en/client/i18n.html)
    @Prop({default: {}, type: Object})
    public locale?: Partial<WalineLocale>;

     * 是否启用暗黑模式适配
     * @more 设置 `'auto'` 会根据设备暗黑模式自适应。填入 CSS 选择器会在对应选择器生效时启用夜间模式。
     * Whether to enable darkmode support
     * @more Setting `'auto'` will display darkmode due to device settings. Filling in CSS selector will enable darkmode only when the selector match waline ancestor nodes.
    @Prop({default: 'auto', type: String})
    public dark?: string;

     * 设置表情包
     * Set Emojis
     * @default ['//unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.1.0/weibo']
    @Prop({default: ['//unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.1.0/weibo'], type: Array})
    public emoji?: (string | WalineEmojiInfo)[] | false;

     * 设置搜索功能
     * Customize Search feature
    @Prop({default: false, type: Object})
    public search?: WalineSearchOptions | false;

     * 代码高亮
     * Code highlighting
    @Prop({default: false, type: Object})
    public highlighter?: WalineHighlighter | false;

     * 自定义图片上传方法,方便更好的存储图片
     * 方法执行时会将图片对象传入。
     * Custom image upload callback to manage picture by yourself.
     * We will pass a picture file object when execute it.

    @Prop({default: false, type: Function})
    public imageUploader?: WalineImageUploader | false;

     * 自定义数学公式处理方法,用于预览。
     * Custom math formula parse callback for preview.
    @Prop({default: false, type: Function})
    public texRenderer?: WalineTexRenderer | false;

     * 登录模式状态,可选值:
     * - `'enable'`: 启用登录 (默认)
     * - `'disable'`: 禁用登录,用户只能填写信息评论
     * - `'force'`: 强制登录,用户必须注册并登录才可发布评论
     * Login mode status, optional values:
     * - `'enable'`: enable login (default)
     * - `'disable'`: Login is disabled, users should fill in infomation to comment
     * - `'force'`: Forced login, users must login to comment
     * @default 'enable'
    @Prop({default: 'enable', type: String})
    public login?: 'enable' | 'disable' | 'force';

     * 是否在页脚展示版权信息
     * 为了支持 Waline,我们强烈建议你开启它
     * Whether show copyright in footer
     * We strongly recommended you to keep it on to support waline
     * @default true
    @Prop({default: true, type: Boolean})
    public copyright?: boolean;

     * recaptcha v3 client key
    @Prop({default: '', type: String})
    public recaptchaV3Key?: string;

     * reaction
    @Prop({default: [], type: Array})
    public reaction?: string[] | boolean;
参数 说明 类型 可选值 默认值